2 min readJul 11, 2022


The 8-year-old me was short and underweight, with average looks and average grades. Priya (name changed for privacy reasons), is a model student, the teacher’s favorite, and exceptional at academics.We happened to cross paths one fine day in a rather unusual way. I used to sit in the left corner on the second bench.She used to sit in the same row as me on the 3rd bench. It was lunch break, starting at 11:30–12:00 pm. As usual, I went, washed my hands, and sat on my bench to have lunch. It was one of my least favorite dishes. I was looking here and there when suddenly I felt something falling behind me. It was nothing but priya chips. Yes, her side dish was chips, which I happened to hit and fall. She started crying. I tried to console her. I asked sorry and even offered my rice crackers. Within 5 minutes, every girl in the class gathered around our table. I got tired and after asking her to apologies many times, she didn’t stop crying.I started eating my food. I was scared of my mom. If I didn’t finish my lunch, my mom would finish me. Everyone badmouthed me and supported her.But 8-year-old me couldn’t understand why she was crying over something so insignificant. The lunch was almost over, but she didn’t stop crying. Suddenly, my brain told me, “Hey, what if ma’am scolds you for this?” After considering everything, my brain came up with a plan. Within the next few minutes, I started crying. The next period was dance. my dance Ma’am came to class after seeing both of us. She asked what happened. Everyone explains what happened. After listening to everything, she asked, “Priya, why are you crying over such a small thing?” Ma’am made us stay back and have our lunch. Priya and I ate our lunch while exchanging sorries. Then we became close friends. After coming home, I was recalling everything that happened. That’s when I realized I hadn’t done anything wrong. It was just an accident. I felt bad for myself because, even though I didn’t do anything with any bad intention. There wasn’t a single soul who supported me or stood behind me. But for Priya, her two best friends didn’t eat just because she didn’t eat.Being such an introverted person, I interacted with few people and had no friends. After that incident, I slowly started having friends, and now I have 3 close friends who will stand behind me whenever I have a tough time. I sincerely hope you liked reading my story.

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